A Date From Hell — Part 06

Erotica Author Sable Fox
7 min readMay 7, 2024


Tormenting a demon might tempt fate, but if it’s mutually consensual, what’s a girl to do?

Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

Lilith swept my hair across my cheek, neck, and spine, arcing electricity through me as her fingertips discovered each of my special places to make me melt. Intentional or not, she created calming shivers that released me from all tension and worry. I couldn’t focus on anything but her loving touch. She liberated purrs from my throat and moans from my lips that revealed my contentment with her learning how to undo me bit by bit.

I surrendered to her designs despite not knowing our path tonight. I hoped for a blissful ending, no matter how long it required. That didn’t mean I’d lay passive like a pillow princess, and as much as I loved cuddles and kisses, neither was I a bambi lesbian.

“I want to be your gift, for being an excellent host,” I whispered, attempting dirty talk. “I want to be a reward for everything you’ve done tonight.”

“Mmm…such a splendid offering you are…” she purred, each word flavored more than the last with the seductive huskiness of her voice. “I think we should be…gifts for each other. I want to taste…your exuberance.”

Her words fed the ache in my center, driving me to grind against her thigh to relieve the tension. Holding back, controlling my hunger for her, wasn’t an option. The directive throbbed through me to taste her, all of her, as energetically as my racing pulse, making the ardor maddeningly more intense.

“If we’re both gifts, who unwraps first?” I nuzzled her neck, nibbled on her shoulder, and listened to her gasps and moans. Her sounds encouraged me to run my hands along her back until I found the zipper of her dress. “Mmm…I found your ribbon.”

She rested her head on my shoulder and melted into me. “Live your fantasy. Please show me what you desire.”

I drew the zipper from the space between her shoulder blades to the swell of her hips and stroked her back. The heat of her skin tempted me to be quick. The urging of my heart said take care and savor the moments. I drew the fabric down her arms, revealing more beautiful mocha and curves. “I want to see all of you and your splendor.”

“Mmm…all of me is for you. Tonight is your night.” The fire of her lips on mine sent tingles down within my hips. I slipped her arms out of the dress, and the swell of her breasts laid bare in my gaze. The dusky circles of her areolas and nipples added to the poetic perfection of her form, demon or not.

A shyness washed over me. I buried my face between her breasts and inhaled her scent. One kiss. Another. I laid down a carpet of tenderness, savoring her purrs and sighs. The boldness returned, and I lost myself in the hunger. Kisses transformed into tongue laps as I devoured her.

A giggle here and squeak there as I discovered her sweet places turned me on more than when I began. Finding out how I could best undo her until she melted entirely because of my attention became a challenge. I wanted to go lower, but I had to see her eyes as I did so.

We rolled until she was on her back. I wasted no time in tugging her dress over her hips and off, displaying all of her. She bit her lower lip and gazed at me, watching my every move. On hands and knees, I worked my way down her stomach, surprising her with random surprise kisses along her sides to make her writhe for me. When I reached her mound, she ran her fingers through my hair as I laid down languid, loving kisses.

“Yesss…Valor…mmm!” Her words and sounds energized and tempted me to tease her, to draw out the seduction. Switching to her legs, I left her heels on, kissing my way up from the tops of her feet, encircling her calves, and pausing at the back of her knees. I watched her eyes as I kissed and licked the sensitive space, how her mouth formed an “O,” and listened to her breath catch.

I knew no other way to be, but in the moment with her. I craved the novel sensation of lust because of her, needing her, and hungering for her. The desire to draw out the play tugged at me, to undo her little by little, to make her beg for me, flashed through my mind.

Alternating between her knees until she whimpered for mercy, I switched to working up and down her inner thighs. Her eyes softened, and she cooed her approval while I locked my gaze on hers, observing every nuance of her facial expressions.

“You’re…so…talented, darling. Deviously…delightful.” Her lips revealed a brilliant smile as she ran her fingers through my hair. “You taste so…delicious.”

“I do?” I paused and stared at her. “How do you mean?”

“Your fantasies, the carnal energy you release.” She caressed my cheek and studied my face. “I apologize if I caused you concern, dear one.”

I resumed kissing her inner thighs while teasing her center in-between, forcing her to buck and squirm in vain as she sought relief. Tormenting a demon might tempt fate, but if it’s mutually consensual, what’s a girl to do?

Her fingers ran through my hair anew, drawing it away from my face and neck. I granted her sweet attention to detail, tracing the length of her labia and tasting her tangy sweetness, pausing at the peak to worship her with slow, light bathing over her warm, firm clit with the tip of my soft, pink tongue. I cared for her needs the way I desired her to care for me and mine. It was a night of firsts, and I wanted to make sure it was memorable in all the best ways.

“Yesss…mmm…more…of it.” She gazed at me with glowing blue orbs, her fangs reappearing, the tension in her body increasing as I focused my efforts on keeping her on edge for my depraved pleasure. “Sssooo…cloooosssse…yesss…”

“Perhaps I’ll give you mercy and let you cum.” I paused and grinned. “Or perhaps I’ll see if you can handle my edging kink.”

“Sssuch a teassse.” She shook her head and laughed. “What you give, you may receive, little one”

“I’m a big girl. I think I can handle it.” One long, languid lap more, and her body stilled for a breath before a bestial growl escaped her lips and her body quaked as I felt her orgasm explode from deep within her. It pleased me to worship her body, though I wasn’t done yet. I kept licking her, then sucked upon her clit.

A sharp inhale and a fresh wave of quaking followed with words in an unfamiliar language falling from her lips. I pressed on, savoring her precious center, refusing to stop giving her pleasure until she begged for me to, or my tongue and jaw gave out. Her body shook for several seconds, stilled for a couple of seconds, then shook again.

Panting moans escaped her throat as I perfected the precise technique to keep her body inundated with a tsunami of pleasure. The more her body responded to my affection, the easier it became to fall hard in lust with her, first date be damned. I held nothing back as I put all of myself into gifting her pleasure moment by moment.

Somewhere in the sensuous fog, a soft whimper pleaded with me. “I’m too sensitive. My clit is too sensitive. Please, stop.”

Tears ran down her cheeks, and for a few seconds, I thought I’d caused her harm. Perhaps it was my mortified look that triggered her response. “You didn’t hurt me, little one. Don’t worry. You did everything just right. Come, lay beside me.”

Her eyes returned to their human shade as her fangs retreated, leaving her smile supermodel-perfect. My bashfulness returned as the euphoric high of giving her a gift of erotic enjoyment evaporated. I wasn’t sure how to process the gamut of emotions racing through my mind, though I hoped something about her would remedy that.

“This is the first time I’ve made a partner cry when I gave them pleasure.” I snuggled beside her and slipped my arm under her head to provide a more comfortable resting position for both of us. “It’s not a first I’m proud of.”

“Stop right there, you sexy woman.” She tapped her finger on my lips. “Listen well. You did nothing wrong, nothing at all. In fact, you’ve done something quite remarkable.”

“Oh?” That piqued my interest. “What would that something be?”

“You made me cum so hard, and so long you drew tears of joy from me.” She ran her fingers through my hair and stroked my cheek. “Rarely does a partner focus as much attention as you have on pleasing one of our kind. Most think we prefer multiple partners day and night because we like it that way. The truth is we must constantly feed on new…umm…prey because no single feeding takes the edge off our cravings.”

I traced my fingers along her toned stomach and sighed. “I’m glad I’m in the rare category, but what does this me — ”

She tapped my lips again. “Shh, sweet one, no need for worries or fretting. It means you are everything I hoped you would be and more.”

A flush fired across my cheeks, and I couldn’t look at her. It was too much for an instant. “Not to sound pessimistic, but this is a first date, and I’m at a disadvantage as I know much less about you.”

“Hmm. Perhaps we can create a sexy game to help motivate you to ask questions? You’ve given me such a beautiful gift, and you deserve one just as special in return.” Her lips curled into a sensual smile before she came in for a kiss more soulful than any that came before.

I purred and giggled. “I can’t wait.”

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Erotica Author Sable Fox

Neurodivergent LGBTQIA+ speculative erotic romances | Sensuous grimoire writer | Witches, wands, succubae, chardonnay, & hellhounds abound small town fiction