A Date From Hell — Part 3

Erotica Author Sable Fox
7 min readApr 16, 2024


Languid seduction is on the menu

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

“In some ways, I’m like what your culture would call a healer, perhaps best stated as a counselor. I strive to understand the needs of others and be understood with minimal misunderstanding in the process — many levels of expression and communication. I help many with my skills.”

An urge to self-soothe prompted me to set down my tea and gently stroke my thighs over the silky fabric.

She dipped her eyes, then glanced at me. “You caress the white kittens at play on your black skirt. Is it I’m a counselor who triggers something? Or do you worry we may not understand each other well enough? You are a human, and I am a…mystickin…person? I make no judgments in either case. Perhaps we could order dinner and switch to a different, more comfortable subject?”

I pursed my lips, avoided her gaze, and nodded. “I’ve never tried fae cuisine, but I look forward to tasting it.”

“Of course. I want to share my first time dining here with you.”

She lifted an inverted blossom on the tea tray and gently made a soundless ringing motion. A few seconds later, the server returned with a menu and what looked like a selection of appetizers.

Lilith adjusted her position to kneel beside me and opened the menu for us to explore.

Her shoulder briefly touched mine, and my heart skipped a beat. I couldn’t focus on her words, leaned into her enough that our arms brushed against each other, and I bit my lower lip.

A tiny doubt. Mild anxiety. Warm. Her flesh felt so warm, so alive, and patient. Her luscious lips distracted me more than the warmth. A dozen tiny doubts. Medium anxiety. A goal to work toward — a kiss?

“Valor? Are you okay, dear one?” She tilted her head to gaze sidelong at me, a sly, knowing grin more telling than Rick’s spread across her face.

I blushed a fiery red, but met her gaze. “Huh? Wh-wh-what? No? Yes? No? I mean, yes, you’re fine — I’m fine — I mean, yes, I’m fine.”

“You’re adorable.” She languidly blinked, and her eyelashes moved like miniature waves. Her grin ebbed into a gentle smile.

“Perhaps we could simplify the decision-making? The ‘Peaceful Circle for Two’ might give us a sampling of their authentic forest fae delights. The selections are diverse and flavorful but are considered mildly spicy by most humans.”

“I’m open to trying the full experience. If you place the higher spice ingredients on the side, I can try them carefully. I’m cautious with ginger root and wasabi when I eat sushi, so this shouldn’t be too different.”

Lilith handed the menu back to the server. “We have our mutual order, then. And just to be safe, a tall glass of flisha to help manage the effects of the spiciness.”

The server seemed to vanish into the bioluminescent glow and silently left alone together.

I stifled a giddy giggle, but it escaped as an embarrassing snort. I couldn’t hold back the excitement of being with her. She saw my neurodivergent weirdness up close and accepted it.

No judgments. That’s refreshing. Maybe she is…maybe she isn’t…a potential partner?

Her emotional energy, the microexpressions of her body, and her proximity to me sent waves of butterflies rising from the depths to flutter in aerial acrobatics as my brain whispered to be sensible, to take time to know her.

Communicate. Talk. Be open. Honesty. Take a chance.

I refused to look away. My mouth turned desert dry, and my voice faded to a wisp. “I enjoy this closeness …the unknown frightens me…so early for me to feel…exhilarated.”

“I’m just as afraid and elated.” Her seductive purr seemed to slow time itself. “I know so much about you, and I want to get to know you even better.”

Hot crimson blazed across my cheeks and rushed downward, deep into my center, where I craved her touch. In truth, I desired her touch upon every inch of me. A fantasy of want blurred reality and dreams. Every staccato heartbeat thundered in my ears while my breath raced thin and fast.

Be brave, Valor. Take a risk.

“There’s a swirling, beautiful energy inside me because of you I’ve never experienced with someone.” I feared I’d shatter into a million shards for stating my thoughts, though I pressed on even as my voice wavered with hesitant words. “Yes…you know…a great deal about me…no…I know little…about you…”

She gently stroked my cheek with her fingertips. I gradually closed my eyes and leaned into the calm she created, savoring the touch that ran chills along my spine.

“I’m here with you for as long as you desire.” Her purr awakened an inferno of impatience as her words tickled along my ear. “Worry not little one. Tonight is for learning together.”

“I’ve learned you’re a tease,” I sighed, contentment flowing from my lips. “I may fall in…lust…with it.”

“I’ll not leave you wanting save a desire for more of it.”

“I consent to this…exploration…of my body.”

“I consent to being…explored…by your body.”

My eyes remained closed, and I guided my hand by touch alone over her dress, across her torso, just above the swell of her hips, and found the place where the curve of the cleft of her ass met the dip of her lower back. I paused and caressed her with my fingertips, tracing lines along her spine, up to her shoulder blades, down to the cleft.

With each stroke down, I built the courage to dip lower until I cupped one firm globe.

Her lips grazed my neck. She laid one kiss, languid and tender, where my shoulder met it, launching shivers across my body. I couldn’t contain a squeak of delighted surprise as my body involuntarily scrunched and temporarily broke the moment.

“Your friend doesn’t know everything about you.” She flashed a salacious grin. “I know a weakness now.”

I adjusted my glasses and toyed with my hair, a shy smile dawning. “Everyone would use it against me if they knew. But you’re not everyone. I already feel safe being vulnerable with you.”

“Thank you for allowing me to see this side of you. You honor me with your trust.”

I eyed the appetizer tray. “Would feeding each other be too forward?”

“No, not at all. It is a novel experience I desire to share with you.”

Lilith selected a portion of what seemed like a fluffy pastry that offered a succulent fruity scent with nutty notes and something familiar from my childhood that I couldn’t place.

“The wrap comprises white walnut and pecan nut flour. It’s filled with a reduction of black raspberry, deerberry, dewberry, and hackberry, mixed with sauteed wild black and yellow morel and crown-tipped coral mushroom varieties.”

“I didn’t realize the forest fae lived in Missouri south of the Missouri River. Bits and pieces of my childhood make more sense now, the things I couldn’t explain.” The treat called to me. How could I resist its invitation? “I’ll try a nibble first, but I think I’ll love it.”

She brought it to my lips, allowing me to breathe in its delectable scents and appreciate the experience. The tranquil sensory experience lacked only the texture and flavor of the tempting treat. The rest had already engulfed me in perfect bliss.

I opened my mouth, gazing into her eyes as she eased it in. One small bite and the flavor explosion won me over — salty, sweet, and nutty with subtle spice notes. Perfect flaky pastry and sinfully sublime filling of finely chopped mushroom blended with the thick honey consistency of the berry sauce teased my tongue and made me love it. It was a baked orgasm she shared with me. It was almost better than sex and chocolate. Almost? Who was I kidding? It took first place, with chocolate running a distant second and sex running even farther behind.

“Mmm…goddess this is…no words…” I hid my still chewing mouth behind a polite hand, unable to restrain my feedback. “Ohhh…if that’s an appetizer…their entrees and desserts must be even better.”

“Please, savor the rest.”

She eased the rest into my mouth, then caressed my lips with the tip of her index finger as I chewed. Seduction, that’s what it was. No rushing toward an uncertain climax for the night or expending energy on the empty banality of words. She allowed me to delight in each new moment, unlike the dates I struggled through with humans. She allowed me space to appreciate the experiences shared between us. I didn’t care if this might be heaven or if this could be hell.

The moment I finished the final sensuous morsel, my words cascaded out. “I can only go with what I experience in the world through my unique lens, and I need to say something.”

She brushed back strands of my hair, which refused to stay put in my pair of Dutch braided buns, and caressed my cheek with her hand. The shimmering of her lipstick revealed the joy pouring out as her lips drew up into a pleased grin. I tilted my head into her palm as she stroked my cheek.

Emphasizing the coming thoughts, I traced my fingertips over my heart, playing with the slick, soothing fabric along the plunging neckline of my turquoise blouse. “These shared moments feel profoundly magical, not because you’re of the mystickind world, but through how openly intimate they are between us. You’re so patient, caring, and intuitive — unlike anyone I’ve had a date with. You understand me better than anyone else I know. We’ve just met in person, but something feels right. Most people would think I’m insane for thinking this so soon, allowing myself to go with my intuition on such scarce information and — ”

“Most people…at least humans…ask me first what I am before anything else when I say I’m mystickin. You honor me with compliments, revealing how wonderful I make you feel. You don’t interrogate me with questions; you treat me like someone you’ve known for a lifetime. I’m not a mysterious stranger to you, though, given the circumstances, I presumed you would treat me as such. You’re an amazing person, Valor. Please, never lose your candor. It’s one of your most desirable qualities.”

Her words fueled a stillness within me and left me seeking words to respond for several moments. None came to mind — only an impulse to act.

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Erotica Author Sable Fox

Neurodivergent LGBTQIA+ speculative erotic romances | Sensuous grimoire writer | Witches, wands, succubae, chardonnay, & hellhounds abound small town fiction