A Date From Hell — Part 4

Lilith and Val have a nice appetizer, fluster a fae, and in the process grow closer

Erotica Author Sable Fox
4 min readApr 23, 2024
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

I leaned in for a kiss, brushing my lips across her warm, willing heavens. An enthusiastic, approving purr met each playful teasing pass. I’d expected her to claim my mouth, yet she played coy. My hesitancy to take the lead evaporated when she encircled my neck and rested her arms on my shoulders.

The fiery sweetness of her mouth urged me to boldness and drew me in as she parted her lips to offer herself to me. I nibbled and sucked on her upper lip, focused upon her lower one, finally building up the courage to claim her with a lover’s passion.

A surprised gasp lasted a heartbeat, replaced immediately by encouraging moans. I teased the tip of her tongue, exploring the tender heat of its form. A burst of exuberance tempted me to act upon it, so giddy she made me. Instead, I caressed the length with languid strokes. I wrapped my arms around her torso, stroking her back with my fingertips, losing myself in the inferno intensity of her body heat and the fuel of her emotional energy.

Claiming her was discovering for the first time the taste of pure desire and sultry lust. I forgot she was anyone but a ravishingly beautiful soul, one separate from species or kin. She was, solely Lilith, the woman who set my sapphic heart ablaze without even trying.

Every drop of fear and doubt melted away. The room seemed tropical for several long moments. Then, a presence tempered my passion. My eyes remained shut from entering the kiss, but I sensed a shift in the energy and the feel of the cozy space.

I reluctantly broke the endless kiss, a wildfire flush racing along my body, and glanced toward the feeling of change. The fae server had returned with a wide tray, a blush brighter than the sun upon the fair skin of her cheeks, and she bit down on her lower lip.

“I-I-I did not mean to intrude, honored ones.”

“You didn’t,” I beamed. “We were simply…having…a spicy…appetizer. Yeah. A spicy appetizer.”

Lilith smiled sheepishly, as if she were a teenager caught making out by her parents, a wildfire evident across her skin as well. “We didn’t mean to present our passions so publicly. We should reserve them for a more private setting. Our apologies.”

“There is no harm. It was…unexpected. Your first courting goes well it appears.” She knelt, placed two oblong plates before us, a glass of a creamy orange liquid, and a small line of condiments. “Would you like to order dessert now? So that you’re not disturbed later?”

Lilith glanced at me. I subtly nodded.

“Yes, a sampler of traditional favorites. And a seshuni to share. Hmm…and some containers in which to place what remains. I think that would include everything.”

“As you bid to me, so shall I return.” She rose and melted into the light again.

Lilith grinned. “You flustered a fae, a forest fae, which is no simple task.”

I glanced sidelong. “I’ll behave for a bit until after our dessert order arrives. You’re such a bad influence, you know that, right?”

“A bad influence,” she mock scoffed. “Me? Of all people? That’s inconceivable.”

“Deny it, accept it, you choose.” I shook my head and laughed. “Either way, you continue to make this date memorable. And make my butterflies dance more energetically with each new experience.”

She laid out a square crepe-like item, spooning in a mix of vegetables, sliced and diced nuts, and a creamy tan sauce seasoned with slivers of dill. She folded it twice in half, then handed it to me.

“If you continue this, I may become accustomed to it.” I flashed a grin before taking a bite. “Oh. My. Goddess! This food is so — bursting — flavor and a half. Yum. Definitely yum.”

“Traditional fae foods are. They combine local herbs and spices with fresh garden vegetables, orchard fare, and wild-gathered ingredients. Sometimes fresh fish, but never the flesh of mammals or fowl. The menu varies from region to region, based on what is available locally and at the time of the year. It’s when…please forgive me… when humans become involved that — ”

“We transform something beautiful into a commodity for ease of replication, uniformity, and scale.” I sighed and took another bite. The truth was the truth — no way around it.

“I didn’t intend to be offensive.”

I laid my head on her shoulder, finishing my current sample.

“You aren’t…” My heart skipped as an unguarded word slipped free. “…sweetheart.”

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Erotica Author Sable Fox

Neurodivergent LGBTQIA+ speculative erotic romances | Sensuous grimoire writer | Witches, wands, succubae, chardonnay, & hellhounds abound small town fiction