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Instinctual: The Stars Aligned For Lust…And Love

First we came for the stars, then we came for each other


I’d slipped beyond the Milky Way region known to human civilization months ago in my deep space exploration vessel. The unknown spoke to me in ways that other humans couldn’t fathom.

I met Reska as we both came to observe a unique binary star system. Her wolfish appearance startled me at first, but the instinctual need we shared for companionship moved us beyond the surface.

Our carnal cravings for each other transformed into our universal language. Her touch and tongue claimed me until she left me spent in her embrace. We fell in lust, then in love among the stars.

Bryce Longstaff Writer Of Neurodivergent LGBTQIA+ Sci-Fi And Paranormal Erotic Romance

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Erotica Author Sable Fox

Neurodivergent LGBTQIA+ speculative erotic romances | Sensuous grimoire writer | Witches, wands, succubae, chardonnay, & hellhounds abound small town fiction